Friday, July 19, 2013

Fellow Blogger Feature!


What a nice surprise to have one of my prints featured in a customers blog!

This is a mix of zinnias, cosmos, mexican sunflowers, and black-eyed susans.

PSALMS 91:14 Digital Print / 8x10 Grey and White / Blue Bird / Religious Poster Print
Here is another version that I have done. Mention my blog and receive FREE SHIPPING!!


HaPpY fRiDaY everyone!

Keep it salty....

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Christmas in July...Burlap Stockings

Sticking with the holiday spirit of my previous post. Here in sunny Florida it is far from a winter wonderland, BUT...if you are the crafty one planning ahead here is a post for you.
DIY Burlap Christmas Stockings!!

They are super easy and inexpensive to make.

I made a set for my Mom for the entire family and tested them to the max with her stuffing skills!
I had a few left over and decided to use them as wine bottle bags that double as an extra gift. Great for those dinner parties where you don't just want to be the other guest with a bottle of wine. Jazz it up!

Materials Needed:
  • Old Christmas stocking for the pattern            (I bought one from the dollar store)
  • Raffia ribbon
  • Burlap 1 yard per stocking
  • Scissors
  • Marking Pen
  • Sewing machine and thread

Place the burlap on a flat surface (dining room table works just fine). Fold the burlap in half and place the stocking for your pattern on top of the burlap. Outline the stocking with a marker and leave the top unmarked. When you have traced the stocking extend your line up 8 inches from the top (for the cuff). Be sure to not mark straight and keep with the gradual leaning line.

Burlap is a little tricky to cut so I came up with a plan to stitch first and just trim the edge. Sew just inside the marker line. Ideally you want to be able to cut on the line when finished and have a sewn edge.


After you have the pieces sewn together you are ready to fold the top down for the cuff. I folded it twice about 3 inches each so the raw edge would be tucked away.


Take the raffia ribbon and cut to the desired length. I measured the length of the stocking and doubled it. Once you have your ribbon cut, find the center and fold in half widthwise. Fold again but in the opposite direction, lengthwise, essentially folded the long ribbon in half to make your loop. Place on the outer side of the stocking where you are going to want the stocking to hang and stitch in place. (This will stitch your cuff in place)

Fluff up the ribbon and let it curl up. Voila! Here is your stocking!! Way better then buying one retail for $40!!! Send photos of your stockings and your thoughts :)
Keep it Salty....