Friday, June 12, 2015

I am starting fresh!

For years, I have been wanting to own my own company. Things just never lined up...I had self doubt, confidence issues, laziness and lack of focus. Over the years I lost what I loved to do. I forgot.
I have my fiancé Mike to thank for helping me find myself. I consider myself extremely blessed and fortunate to have him in my life. He has changed mine forever.
I am not here to brag or boast. I want others to know, it's ok to wait until you find the perfect match. I never believed anyone who said when you know, you know. I didn't think someone could be so sure of a decision. Well, the cliché happened to me.

The point is, I am 34 and just now embracing who I am and doing it with confidence. This is me, this is raw and un-cut. I had told myself over and over again, I need to be a designer. Well, I do, but I want to do it differently.

This is my journey...
Let's start with Salt and Sol.
Jacksonville has started a live crowd funding event. It was its 3rd year and I was excited to be a part of it. I signed up for Salty Treasures and was going to showcase my shirts, clutches and jewelry. The usual. While sitting at the kitchen bar, watching Mike cook dinner, we just hang out and talk, this topic was my business and me rambling on about all my ideas. I was chatting about One Spark and he mentioned how he hated the name Salty Treasures. I love his honesty. I didn't like it either. I have never truly fallen in love with all of my names I have had. Dejoc, Nicole DiGiacomo, Bluccello, Salty Treasures. Nothing ever meant anything to me or clicked.
We started racking our brains and spitting out ideas. I was texting our dear free spirited friend who is a decade younger than me asking what she thought was "Hip"!
A string full of ideas, Salty Soul some others, and then voila. Salt & Sol, it made sense. I have gone back to the beginning, instead of my dark hair and trying to straighten the curls, I embraced the blonde craziness. I fell back in love with Jax Bch. Maybe the spring days helped but it was all coming together.
Let the salt and sun guide your heart and soul. I wanted to encompass the love of the ocean and the free spirited lifestyle. I just knew this was the name. It said it all. From growing up by the Florida ocean to the beautiful mountains and culture of Ecuador where my Dad lives. It grouped everything together and my motivation, creativity and drive came back.

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